Monday, May 23, 2005

Designed Chairs, which one you would like to sit?


May. 21 2005, we went to see a Design Fair. I like "Design Items", so it's quite fun there.
Design includes - Industrial Design Products, Movie, Poster, etc. All of them are creative, full of ideas.
Cause when we were there, we haven't eaten anything yet, so we decided to go out of the fair, and grab
something to eat, so we went to Exit, the guard said that " If you went out, you can't come back then"
Normally they had a stamp to stamp on your hand to prove you buy the ticket, and you would come back
later, but only before 2:00pm. We felt it was not reasonable, so we talked to the fair office to ask why,
after a long "small arguement, and long converstaion". They kept said it's principle, so we can't change the rule. After all, we guess they couldn't handle this, so they brought back the stamp, and gave us the stamp.
We win? Maybe ... Anyhow take a look at the two chair I took at the design fair. If you would like me to choose one to buy, I would buy the left one ... ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For more photos from our visit, see the following: